Monday, July 19, 2010

Busy, now with iLogic

Ok. So i haven't posted in a while.
I have been very busy...... since Christmas.

But i have picked up a lot of stuff.
Recently, I have been working more and more with iLogics.
iLogics is now INCLUDED with Inventor 2011.

So what made Autocad so widespread over 20 years ago? Besides being an easy 2D CAD tool? There were other 2D CAD tools on the market, but the inclusion of AutoLISP, made it expandable and moldable to fit any application.

So with the inclusion of iLogic with Inventor, I expect the same.

I plan on starting a series of looks into iLogic and demostrating some of the uses of this tool.
Look for more posts on this topic in the coming weeks and see where this can take you.